Competition entry: Ashcroft-Colorado Ghost Town
Ashcroft-Colorado Ghost Town by Brian Narveson
2020 October Competition - A Open
33 points
Judges' comments:
Small cabins lead to the larger one; vibrant color; sharp
Maker's notes:

This image was shot in Ashcroft, Colorado an old mining ghost town near Aspen in Sept 2020.  It was very bright so I decided to shoot a 5 shot HDR sequence.  The base settings in Av mode were f/13, ISO-800 which resulted in a shutter speed of 1/800th sec.  I bracketed the shot as -4/3/-2/3/0/+1/3/+4/3 f/stops.   The camera figured out the shutter speeds needed for the bracketing.  Camera my Canon 7D Mark II with a Canon 18-135 nano-USM zoom set to 18 mm.  HDR was processed in Lightroom Classic, as was any additional editing.