Happy to be a Cub Scout
Brian Narveson
Judges' comments:
Classic school picture; good color and expression; well done
Maker's notes:
Image was shot with a portable set up at a Blue and Gold banquet in Holmen. Background was a plain white background (think bed sheet). The background was lit with two 250W equivalent LED flood just to each side of the scout. The main lighting shooting through two transparent umbrella's with Canon EX 430II speedlights. The one to camera right set at 1/4 power, the one on camera left set to 1/8-.7 power. Both speed lights with 3-4ft. above the scouts head aimed down. A third speedlight was placed behind the scout at camera left, in a reflecting softbox for a hairlight. It was at the same level as his head, 3ft. away set to 1/8 power.