Show Choir Queen
Brian Narveson
points - Hon. Mention
Judges' comments:
Impact! Subject is sharp; colors pop; subject appears cut out and placed on the white background
Maker's notes:
This image was shot using portable portrait gear. Two Canon Speed Lights EX430 II, the Key Light on camera left set to 1/4 power, the light on camera right set to 1/8 power. Each light had a 24 inch umbrella modifier, was 45 degrees from a line between the camera and subject. Unbrellas 3 ft. from subject. Camera set on Manual and tripod mounted. Settings f/7.1,, ISO400, 1/160th sec. Lens set to 24 mm. Camera 5ft. from subject, Subject 5 ft. from background. Background removed in Photoshop and replaced in photoshop.