Glacier National Park Beauty
Brian Narveson
points - Hon. Mention
Judges' comments:
Very sharp; beautiful reflection; darkened left side focuses eye on the mountain; lighter grass in foreground offsets darkness of left side; peaceful and serene
Maker's notes:
This image was shot in Glacier National Park in the Many Glaciers Area. It was shortly after the sun had come over the mountains in back of me. Shot with my Canon 7D and a Canon 18-135mm zoom set to18mm. Camera was set to Aperture Priority at f/16 for depth of field and ISO 400 which resulted in a shutter speed of 1/30 sec. This shutter speed was risky because I did not have a tripod with me. I took many shots to make sure I had a good one. There was significant haze in the original shot. Haze was removed with the dehaze tool in Lightroom and color correction as the dehaze tool turns everything blue. Final processing was done in Photoshop.