Leadership Team June 2021

Gavel on a white background. Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

The club leadership team will be meeting to begin planning the meetings and workshops for next year.  If you have specific topics you would like to see for either club meetings or workshops please contact Brian.  If you would like to join the planning meeting to listen in or present specific ideas the zoom information was sent to the mailing list on May 22.

Miss this event? Here's a recap:

The meeting came to order at 6:43PM with 11 members of the Leadership Team present.

Oktoberfest update:

  • Oktoberfest is taking over the photo contest completely. There will be no display and no prints; everything will be virtual. The subjects will be reduced to two student categories plus an Oktoberfest category. The contest will take place after Oktoberfest so people can enter photos from this year.

Went over items that were on the list last year that didn't happen:

  • Website training - needs to happen this year.
  • Mailchimp training - also needs to happen this year.
  • Dave & Darci will look into collecting various photo ops.
  • Brian will start linking to the N4C newsletters.

New ideas:

  • Favorite places to shoot. This will be a collaboration between Kathy and Michelle with Kathy gathering the places from the membership and Michelle providing a place on the website to hold them.
  • Classes for beginners. Possibly do classes through the Park and Rec which will give the club more visibility.
  • Need to get the events on Facebook and Michelle has been hit or miss for that. Austin and Cyndy volunteered to take care of it and will be made group admins.
  • Austin suggested adding special interest groups to the site. This is something that has been on the to do list but Michelle has concern that it won't be used as the forums we had previously weren't used. Will discuss with the membership to determine interest before adding to the site.
  • Suggested having a meeting where people present their portfolios to the club to show off what they like to shoot.

Plan of the first meeting:

  • Meet at 5:30pm for a picnic at Shelby park
  • Brian and Cyndy to teach a bit of portrait during the picnic
  • After the food we will have a portrait shoot where we can try out what we just learned by photographing each other.

Rest of the meetings:

  • The team planned out the rest of the club year.
  • The calendar will be updated soon.
  • Next Leadership Team meeting will be Tuesday June 29 at 6:30
Tue, Jun 8, 2021 6:30-8:30pm
Event type: Leadership Team
  • Person icon - Means members only Members only
  • Virtual Virtual
Presenter : Brian Narveson