Club Members

I first got into photography using 35mm film in high school, and have been hooked ever since! I've transitioned from film to digital, but my interest in trying to capture images of small details, dramatic landscapes, and just generally awesome moments has never changed. I'm always interested in learning something new or sharing what I know, so if you ever have questions, ideas, or want to meet up for a shoot, please re

I have been interested in photography my whole life but have only been seriously involved since I retired in 2011. As past president I really enjoy being involved in the club and help teach a variety of subjects during the year. Feel free to contact me if you have questions about the club, equipment or just need some mentoring.

cyndy is an Equine photographer with over 25 years experience, 10 years semi-professional. She has been branching out to include weddings, families, and children's photography and portraits. Her perfered camera is a Canon brand, but also has used Nikon and older style Pentex. Cyndy is also a confident Lightroom and Photoshop user and has done some web page building in the past.

Started in photography over 40 years ago, but then got busy with other useless stuff, like career!!!
After retirement I decided to get back into it. Mostly I shoot nature and wildlife but and getting more and more interested in people.

I love exploring the strange and beautiful world of small creatures and plants, and the challenge of photographing subjects in the wild.

As a senior in college, I studied abroad in London and stumbled upon photography with no artistic talent whatsoever up to that point. I’ve since visited 13 countries and developed a love for travel photography and a keen eye for light and architectural beauty.

See Mentor tab.

Born in Milwaukee. Retired from teaching in Oregon. Enjoy all aspects of photography including stereography, Mostly interested in nature and human nature.

I've been interested in photography since I was around 9 years old. I wasn't allowed to use a camera at that age, so when I staged some of our cats for pictures, I asked my mother to take the photos at a certain angle. At that point, she allowed me to use the camera. I got my own first camera, a Kodak X-15, when I was 11.

I love trying to capture the beauty that's all around us.

I'm a shoot anything that catches my eye kind of photographer-birds, flowers, windmills, you name it. I shoot with Canon cameras and lenses. Editing is done with Photoshop.

Started out with a GoPro to capture vacation memories. After the initial experiments, slowly became interested in photography. Unfortunately, until recently, my activities were only confined to vacations. That will hopefully change now, being a club member.

I joined the La Crosse Area Camera Club after entering the Oktoberfest Photo Contest in 2002. I won an award with a photo of a man in lederhosen taken on film from a trip to Germany. From 1996 to 2016 we were snow birds the Southwest and had the opportunity to take many photos of nature. However, creative photography is my passion but limited to what I can enter as many of my fine art works do not even begin wi

I started in photography as a means to improve mental health. Being outside and capturing all the beauty around me has been very beneficial. I would consider myself an intermediate hobbyist at this time.

I got into photography with my first digicam in 2000 and joined the club in 2002. I built the first version of the club's website site somewhere around 2004 and have been working on it ever since. I also do photography occasionally but my preferred subject, children, are scarce these days.

I have always had an interest in photography but never took the time to pursue it. After my kids grew up, I looked for something to do with my free time. I joined Camera Club and I'm so glad I did. I have learned so much! I enjoy photographing flowers, animals and landscapes, but Camera Club takes me out of my comfort zone to photograph people.

I did photography back in my college days. Now that I'm retired, I decided to take it up again. I love shooting pictures, whether it's with a phone, point-and-shoot, or an SLR camera. I'm not very good at it, but it doesn't keep me from trying!

I am a retired teacher after having taught for 34 1/2 years. Now I'm choosing to learn in particular about photography, but have other passions of study also. I believe in "life-long" learning.

I guess I've always liked taking pictures maybe because my dad took pictures(slides to be exact). I especially like to shoot nature and wildlife if I see it. I don't go looking for items to shoot though if I had a buddy to do it with I'd love to go and learn how to be a better photographer. I have Oh So Much To Learn!!