Categories are: People, Open (River / Lake / Ocean), Creative, and Color prints.
January, 2025
Categories are: People, Open (River / Lake / Ocean), Creative, and Color prints.
Fundamentals: Results of Photo Challenge TBD
Main program: Competition Results and Photography Hints
Date TBD - Listed date is a placeholder
Composite Images
Fundamentals: Sports photography
Main program: Photo Tour of Iceland
February, 2025
Categories are: Open, Nature, Creative, and Black and white prints.
Categories are: Open, Nature, Creative, and Black and white prints.
Fundamentals: Introduction to Topaz Software
Main program: Competition Results and Photography Hints
Date TBD - Listed date is a placeholder
Sporting Event Shoot
Pizza party at Pizza Ranch with guest speaker Jason Stuempges.
March, 2025
Categories are: People, Nature (Waterfalls), Creative, and Color prints.
Categories are: People, Nature (Waterfalls), Creative, and Color prints.
Fundamentals: Intro to Macro or Under Water Photos
Main program: Competition Results and Photography Hints
Date TBD - Listed date is a placeholder
Photoshop Elements instruction
Fundamentals: Cell phone photography.
Main program: Minimalism
Categories are: People (Park & Rec supported events), Open, Nature, and Black and white prints.
April, 2025
Categories are: People (Park & Rec supported events), Open, Nature, and Black and white prints.
Fundamentals: Focus Stacking
Main program: Competition Results and Photography Hints
Fundamentals: Intro to Astro and Star Trails
Main program: Guest speaker Brian Hansel
May, 2025
Categories are: People, Open, Creative (Bridges), and Color prints.
Categories are: People, Open, Creative (Bridges), and Color prints.
Fundamentals: Bird photography by Ted Narveson
Business meeting: Election
Main program: Competition Results and Photography Hints
Date TBD - Listed date is a placeholder
Star Trails and Milky Way Shoot
Fundamentals: None
Main program: La Crosse Floral greenhouse photo shoot