Milky Way Shoot Sunday Night

Cemetery at night with milky way taking up the top 2/3rds of the image. Image by Brian Narveson

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LACC Members and Friends

Just a reminder of the Milky Way shoot this Sunday at the Brownsville Wildlife Overlook (type this into google Maps) on Highway 26 South of Brownsville,  Minnesota.   The weather forecast keeps changing every day but it is suppose to be a nice evening in the 70's.  I am planning on being on site at about 9 PM to shoot the foreground shots at dusk.  These will later be added to the night shots in a composite. We should be able to start shooting the Milky Way about 11 PM.  Please show up by 10:30 if you need help setting up.  If the weather is bad I will put out a cancellation around 8 PM.   If you don't see one come on out and enjoy an nice evening under the stars.  If you have any questions email me at [removed] or call/text me at [removed] .

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend.

