Summer Meetups

A field of sunflowers. Photo by Aleksandr Eremin on Unsplash

Several members have asked about camera club events this summer.  Steve Mitoraj with the assistance of Dan McKenzie is organizing meet and shoot evenings for this summer. The first Summer Meet-Up is detailed in the announcement below.  If you are interested in attending please contact Steve to help determine the number of people coming. Dan and Steve will be at the Tuesday shoot if you have questions.

LACC Summer Meet-Up Announcement:

With the club meetings coming to a close at the end of May, we are trying to get some feedback from  if there is any interest in starting up a summer meet-up group. The purpose of the meet-ups is to have an informal open discussions on photography techniques, share photos, and possibly add some informal photo shoot meet-ups.

We are panning the 1st meet-up Thursday, June 10th , 5:30 PM @ King St Kitchen for dinner and discussion. We will be reserving the meeting room at King St Kitchen.

The primary goal of the 1st meet-up is to gather ideas  on what the group would like to do - format, time to meet, meeting location, weekly or bi-weekly, etc. We will then be heading up to Grandad's Bluff at 7:00PM for a sunset / golden hour photo shoot.

Please let either Dan or Steve know if you plan on making the dinner, but feel free to come if you can't commit until the last minute.  You do not have to be aa paid club member to attend.  Visitors interested in photography are welcome.

For anyone that would like to offer up some suggestions, comments, or have questions, but cannot attend dinner or Grandad's Bluff photo shoot, feel free to contact: