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- Entrants must be paid members of La Crosse Area Camera Club.
- You may enter a total of 4 images, 2 of which may be projected.
- The two entries can be in the same category. Categories include projected images: Open, Nature, People, Creative; and Prints. (Three of the four projected categories are available each month.)
- Some possible entry combinations:
- Example 1: 2 open, 2 prints
- Example 2: 1 nature, 1 people, 1 or 2 prints
- Example 3: 2 people, 1 or 2 prints
- Example 4: 1 open, 1 or 2 prints
- Entries must be prepared as explained in Submitting Entries.
- The deadline for each competition will be listed on the schedule. (Normally Sunday at 5pm of the week prior to the results meeting.)
- Images will be judged based on 3 criteria: technique, composition & impact (interest). See Judging Criteria for more information.
- While we don't place a limit on manipulation (except the Nature category), all entries must start as a photo. The photo and any manipulation must be the work of the entrant. In the case of composite images, all component images must be the original work of the person submitting the images.
- Any competition entries receiving an acceptance or higher place are eligible to be entered in the Year End Competition.
- If an image does not receive an award in monthly competition, it may be re-entered in a later month. Images that receive awards may not be re-entered in subsequent competitions unless significant alterations have been made to the image.